Monday, October 13, 2008


My neighbor has been a bull of a man. Big and strong in his body and stronger in his convictions.

We have been extremely close friends for the 13 years that I have lived across the street. He has been the kind of friend that I knew would do anything in his power to help me and who would defend me and my family with violence if called upon to do so by circumstances.

A few months ago he told me that he had been diagnosed with a degenerative lung disease.

A few weeks ago he told me he would have to carry an oxygen bottle around in order to breathe.

Last week he told me he was going to need a lung transplant if he could get healthy enough to be considered.

A few days ago, he went into the intensive care unit of a local hospital due to pneumonia and an infection that was ravaging his body.

After a few days in ICU, his wife called me to say that Luie wanted to see me. With tremendous effort, he lifted his oxygen mask and said he wanted to tell me goodbye.

Full grown, redneck, manly men don't cry in public, hold each other's hand, or say, "I love you" to each other.

Together we shed a river of salty tears for mutual respect, unspoken admiration, and sadness for the end of our time together. Then we held each other's hand and said to each other with trembling voices, "I love you".

My friend slipped the bonds of earth today and my heart is aching. I wish he was here again so that I could hold his hand and tell him that I love him as one of the best friends I ever had.

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