Thursday, March 12, 2009

Noah's Ark

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
(Genesis 7:12)

The ole ranch hand has had his whistle whetted for near a lustrum to move full time on the Tin Star.

Had it all nailed down to start the move today like the Clampetts haulin' to Beverly Hills. God had other plans.

Seems it started precipitatin' early yesterday morn (for the first time since Moby Dick was a minnow) and it ain't really let up yet. My fine new landscaping topsoil around the casa has become a right fine sea of mud that a show pig couldn't hardly root through?

Now I understand that its been so dry that all the fish are infested with ticks, but the timing of these showers are down right inconvenient.

Hear me for who I am: Come Saturday morn we are moving into our new castle if we have to do it in boats. (Now where did I put those plans fer building an ark?)

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