Saturday, November 24, 2007

An old fat man's musings

OK World,

When I was born, computers did not exist, the internet was not yet a "figment" and Al Gore was starting to figure out the global warming thing (but it turned out to be an accident in his pants).

Now as I am about to ease in my 58th year, my daughters Casie and Lisa have each encouraged me to "blog" because it is "easy"? Hmmmmmmmmm? They told me Highway Patrol School, parenting, a Master's degree, and a database programming school I attended would be easy, but... well anyway.... here goes ?????????????????//

My thoughts for this Thanksgiving season have been totally focused on the incredible blessing of my family. My spouse, children, and grandchildren are an awesome source of admiration, joy and love in my life. Although I do not have the privilege of seeing them as often as I would like, I think of them (and pray for their wellbeing and happiness) every day that the sun rises. ALL YALL PLEASE KNOW THAT I HOLD YOU IN MY HEART AS THE MOST PRECIOUS THINGS IN MY LIFE!

We will mutually have to see where this blog business leads as I tend to "muse" at length at times and lean toward the irreverent humor bent on occasion (mostly to poke fun at yours truly), but the older one gets, the more they are entitled as far as I am concerned (Hell, every day I wake up these days I consider it a new personal longevity record).

Ya'll all stay purty and bear with me on this new adventure.

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