Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pushin' Up Daisies

There was a time when the ranch hand rose before dawn and cussed the sun for not giving 'nuff light to do the necessary.....this exorbitant dance was followed by performing manual labor till the sun set and found the worker wishin' for an hour or two more of light?

Damn...things change with age...the old fat boy still wakes long before dawn, but the duration of just maybe 6-7 hours and then the ole giant bear jumps on the back and the effort of lifting a foot becomes more than "fun" can be defined?????

Got lots done the last two days...for an old man????...had a lot more planned, but what the hell, it's better than bein' "six feet under" and pushin' up daisies???????

Friday, October 29, 2010


OK, its weekend time again...the salt mine ranch hand has done another round of "town" work and it is time to do the treasured "ranch" work.

Tend to the weeds, manicure the trees a bit, gently suggest the rocks stop multiplying, and feed the fish.

The temperature is rodeo cool, the sky is empty except for the unfathomable blue, and the air is resonating with the sound of silence...except for the woodland creatures?

Life is good and "town" is but a distant memory until the dreaded Monday clock announces with solemnity born of malevolence that it is time to once again traverse the route to "town".

Truly the country part is a sweet wine variegate with the luscious touch of velvet smooth sensations, sensory palpitations, and never ending need for the balm of forgiving time.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Good Life

The ranch hand and his beautiful bride recently acquired a decorative steel fire pit for the back yard.

The current cool fall evenings are being enhanced by the soul felt solace of staring into the dancing tendrils of a wood fire.

It is comfort promulgated by a calming effect and the tendency toward inward reflection.

As the restless turbulence of the flame ceaselessly changes its pattern of light and nuance, one's psychological warmth trends ever toward mellow and life is good.