Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ever noticed how "ole folks" read the obituaries more religiously than others.

The ranch hand used to think that was curious. Now he are one?

Ya see folks you knew, folks you wish you had known, and weird stuff?

However, wouldn't it be more interesting if obituaries included more information:

Ya see a picture of a long hair, tattooed dude with a "f*** you" look on his face and wonder if the "obit" should say, "Booger John was drunk on his ass when he mounted his Harley, handed Imogene his beer, and said, watch this shit cause ain't nobody gonna believe it!"

Ya see a pic of a sweet ole woman with an angelic face and wonder if there should include verbiage about her wild college days where she bucked common morals by raising her skirt to knee length and exposed her arms to a tanning sun while secretly sipping a prohibition era adult beverage? (and did she pre-date Booger John in getting a tattoo, but kept it hidden all her life?)

Ya see the heartbreaking image of a child and wonder about the lifetime of experiences that will be missed.

Nothing too deep here, just some random thoughts from an ole fart who has become an habitual obituary reader?

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