Friday, July 23, 2010


The ole ranch hand once read that courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.

Ya gotta figger a man that says he has never been "scared" is either a liar or an ignorant fool?

Your humble scribe has spent forty years in a profession that is 99% boredom and 1% sheer terror. Those who survive in a job of this nature are those that find a way to push aside the "scared" part and do the right thing for the right reasons....right now.

This is not and never will be a political blog, but damn a body can't help but wish our country's leaders could show a bit more "courage" these days?

My esteemed reader(s?) might want to memorialize this brief treatise on the state of the U.S. "guvment" as it will likely be the first/last, given that the TSRH offerings are reserved for 24 carat bull shit with no value stated, implied, or intended?

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