Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daisy Red Ryder

When the ranch hand was about 12, his parents presented him with a single shot .22 caliber rifle made by Noble Arms (model 20-f) that was purchased new for about $13.

Regardless of cost, the memories that stubby little weapon has provided over the last 40 -50 years are priceless.

The ranch hand never had more than a dozen shells at one time, but ammo quantity placed no limit on the adventure available. Countless hours were spent roaming the East Texas woods in search of "wild game" and other targets of opportunity.

That rimfire represented passage to total freedom of imagination while escaping the bounds of daily life. Accordingly, it is held in a place of earned honor in the gun cabinet to date.

Last week afforded the privilege of spending the day "plinking" with number one grandson while teaching him the finer art of accuracy with his Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.

If only Jon Charles knew what soul satisfying moments that little spring powered shooter will provide over time. Careful stalking of imaginary backyard prey and the sensory positive feedback that occurs as the metal BB successfully pops against a chosen stationary target are only a few of the sensory pleasures to come.

Hmmmmm....wonder if that half-century old Noble would fit in J.C.'s gun cabinet one day?

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