Friday, October 29, 2010


OK, its weekend time again...the salt mine ranch hand has done another round of "town" work and it is time to do the treasured "ranch" work.

Tend to the weeds, manicure the trees a bit, gently suggest the rocks stop multiplying, and feed the fish.

The temperature is rodeo cool, the sky is empty except for the unfathomable blue, and the air is resonating with the sound of silence...except for the woodland creatures?

Life is good and "town" is but a distant memory until the dreaded Monday clock announces with solemnity born of malevolence that it is time to once again traverse the route to "town".

Truly the country part is a sweet wine variegate with the luscious touch of velvet smooth sensations, sensory palpitations, and never ending need for the balm of forgiving time.

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