Monday, December 27, 2010

The Keeper

The eight point was likely three years old and in prime condition. Not yet a "keeper", but an excellent animal for future harvest.

It pranced in the back pasture with its head held high with pride, yet he was obviously keeping a wary eye for challengers.

The would-be Daniel Boone was watching from the deer stand hoping for a trophy to appear. Sure nuff, a loud snort came from the near brush and the sound of hoofs pawing the ground echoed.

As if on cue, the larger buck stalked indignantly into the open with his eyes riveted on the upstart suitor to his harem of does.

Brother Boone immediately got extreme heart palpitations and grabbed at his trusty rifle like it was a rattlesnake.....resulting in a LOUD bang as it fell into the side of the tin wall of the hunting shed.

Brother buck takes off like a red hot poker was stuffed up his butt, but makes a single fatal mistake. He stopped at the edge of the brush to see what manner of idjit would make that much noise while trying to be "stealthy"?

Scratch the second Tin Star Ranch buck for 2010 and git the grease hot for them venison back strap yummies.

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