Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Splendor Of The Old

“The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair is the splendor of the old.” Proverbs 20:29

The ole ranch hand and his beautiful bride recently joined the local recreation center to increase fitness (and hopefully productive longevity?)

This gym has an indoor walking track that is near a large, "seniors" housing development. Accordingly, the gym population is well seasoned with us "seniors".

In the beginning of the fat boy's athletic endeavors on the walking track, it was evident that a tad of time/distance endurance training would be necessary.

Today, the aspiring Olympian decided to strut his stuff and "step out" on that track like a true pro....and the humbling/stumbling of pride began.

With the exception of one barely mobile octogenarian, your humble scribe "passed" no one on the track during 20 circuits. Worse yet, one jack rabbit "white hair" blew past FIVE times while a lesser fleet wrinkled granny left but a vacuum of dust four times (all the while stepping off exubertant laps????)!

What the hell, gitten older beats gitten dead so I can just go with the flow and keep pitchin' (or kick them roadrunners in the ankles ever chance I get?).

"Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life.”
--Daniel Auber

1 comment:

glnroz said...

...was forced to go 12 weeks physical rehab after the "episode". I never felt better. Layed off for a month and I could feel the differece.. Have started back bicycle riding...rode 6 miles yesterday...felt pretty good,