Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dad spent his life brewing his morning cup o' joe on the natural gas kitchen stove top using an aluminum percolator pot. It had a glass "bubble" on the top and when the lava hot liquid spittin' into the "bubble" was the right color..... it was ready.

The "catch" was.....Dad liked his coffee hot as molten lead...straight from the blazing hot stove into his mouth and throat.

The ranch hand figgers years of that routine must have created some kind of "callous" because he could do it every morn with a contented look of satisfaction.

On occasion, his only (naive) son would share the morning ritual and like Dad, take that first cup of mud and down it.....followed by more spittin and sputterin than a spark plug fouled model T running on white gas?

We are talkin hair burning, blister scalding, melt your ears off HOT coffee.

Never figgered why Dad liked it, how he could do it, or whatever....but it is a great memory of my Wright City papacita that I will always hold dear.


glnroz said...

oh myyy goodness, Frankie,, I think we had the twin to that perculator. I still have one of those in Daddy's old camp box. He liked it hot. He would put it in the microwave right out of the pot...funny thing.. I had just finished doing the same thing when i clicked on to you blog. (i keep a bottle of water handy, 'b'cause, sometimes i get it too hot.. lol

TSRH said...

I guess I got "infected" cuz to this day I want it HOT and as soon as it comes out of the pot...on the rare occasion I splurge on Starbucks...I tell them EXTRA HOT...the apple don't fall far from the hickory nut tree...or sumpthin like that???