Friday, January 18, 2013

Dust and Ashes

"Let me speak further to my Lord, even though I am but dust and ashes."
(Genesis 18:27)

The ole ranch was blessed with acquisition of the Tin Star Ranch more than 8 years ago.

The days since have included the sinuous joy of laboriously clearing the land using a weak mind and a semi-strong back.

An altar of honor at the edge of the back "40" (pasture).... at the head of the dry creek bed, has served as host to countless stacks of dry brush.

The dry brush, being an open invitation to bonfire, has traversed the chemical/mystical path from vegetation to "dust and ashes" more times than an old fat man can count.

Course, three years of drought has at times made the frequency of the "burn" unpredictable. But sure as death and taxes....that puppy has taken an ash "nap" many a time.

Today marked the most recent celebration of return to nature. Recent rains anoited the earth with moisture and thus the ranch hand did anoint that brush with fire.

And so begins the cycle anew of cutting and stacking...followed inexorably by return to ashes.

It is a self renewing exercise that will never cease in my life time...and I love it.

1 comment:

glnroz said...

fire?,,,just burnt a big pile after the last rain. Cant wait till i git a nutherone...something aboujt a blazing fire...soothing..reckon?