Saturday, November 13, 2010

Morning Bounty

It's the second Saturday of the 2011 deer season and the predawn sky most resembled dark gray dryer lint pulled into long strands across a slate background.

The coming sun gave promise of its glory by slowly oozing a soft pink into the landscape as it gathered energy for its daily passage across the Tin Star Ranch sky.

Daylight brought the welcome visit of four does slowly walking toward their morning drink at the pond.

A "latecomer" eventually trotted across the pasture in pursuit of her companions, obviously distressed for missing the wake up call.

Thereafter, a dozen turkey hens strolled thru the brush, perused the ubiquitous corn feeder, and clucked their daily gossip to each other as they meandered back into the brush.

No shots fired by the mighty hunter, but all is good and the ranch hand is elated at the bounty of the morning!

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