Saturday, February 26, 2011

Barn Time

There are ways that a barn is a church.

It provides peace and distraction from the can make one feel distant from the less enjoyable aspects of the world.

The smells are therapeutic...for a man, the tools therein are objects of escape...and the escape facilitated is an experience that never denies the beauty of manly pursuits........

One can weld steel, delicately influence the grain of wood, or putter about with the tools of a wannabe engine mechanic....sans the evaluative eye of an "expert".

The ranch hand spent the balance of this fine day ensconced in the protective web of the resident barn grinnin' prodigiously whilst finishin' a welding/wood project extraordinaire.

Ain't life good!....Got 'er done...and feel better for the process?

Ya gotta love blessed BARN TIME!

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