Sunday, February 20, 2011


The ranch hand enjoys attending farm auctions.

The unique aspect of farm auctions is that they represent an opportunity to view in one giant pile the accumulation of a family's entire life.

Everyone spends their time on earth collecting "stuff". The volume, character, and value of the stuff varies, but we all do it.

It is only when it is all sorted out and placed on public view that one can weigh that which is valued sufficiently by the former owners to keep.

Farm auctions always by definition include old tractors with their faithful toil evidenced by a comfortable worn look in every regard. Utilitarian trailers of every size and configuration are mandatory and odd pieces of iron will be everywhere as broken stuff don't necessarily mean useless for future purposes?

Hand tools will lay about as if just employed by the late owner. Egg collection baskets, mason jars, and salt/pepper shakers are the rule. Knick knacks, baubles, and other less glamorous memorabilia will dot the landscape inevitably.

Through it all, the ranch hand always stops to ponder the life of the individuals who have passed to Glory, leaving behind their worldly possessions to the mere mortals at the auction block.

The items bartered are just "stuff" to the bidders. Beyond that, the inanimate objects being sold are part and parcel to the loves, laughs, longevity, and living of the farm family that accumulated the wealth over a lifetime.

Let us never forget their part in the world we continue to enjoy.

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