Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Big Ugly Vs. The Boss

The southwest corner of the ranch always had a dab of "ugly" smeared on it.

This prime real estate boasted blood gougin' briars from ground to sky that could jerk ya naked and skinless faster than a rabbit can scoot. Snake roots joined the dance while tanglin' with wrist size grape vines to perfect the trap. Add the insult of wet boggy ground all year round and ya got the recipe for steroidal flora intimidation.

Yesterday the ole fat boy decided that after near seven years of ranch ownership, it was nigh time to 'splain to that corner who the boss is around here.

Yep, the corner now looks fairly clean and purty like it just fresh stepped out of the barber shop.

The "boss", on the other hand, looks like fresh ground hamburger with considerable "hide" damage.

Now why do I keep thinking I hear that corner chucklin' bout how fast it's gonna grow back when the spring rains start?

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