Thursday, March 17, 2011


The ranch hand has always held a deep and abiding affection for ponds.

Whether it be a country mud puddle or a ranch "lake", that which sits in the pasture and holds fish is a lure.

Bout two years ago the Tin Star Pond got a face lift compliments of the bro-law's dozer to deepen, shape, and change the destiny of our rural aquarium.

Twelve months ago, the ole fat boy and his beautiful bride released hybrid bream and bass into their new H2O home with great ceremony, a tear in the eye, and a prayer for growth and prosperity.

Been battlin' fricken nature ever since????

Never seemed to see turtles til the fish took residence....have near bout wore out the ranch 2-2 splatterin' ammo at the quarter size reptilian snouts on the water's surface?

Ever dang stork/crane/fish monger on the planet now makes daily visits to suck piscatorial flesh from our sanctuary.

And now the cursed specter of drought has reared its ugly head. Watching the shoreline of the pond grow each day as our children are ever more crowded together is a burden to bear.

Finally in desperation the ranch hand asked the question of the ages, "WWGD" (What would Gene do?).

Hell, the clouds went away, the sun shone more brightly, and the birds began to (well mostly crap and eat from the ranch bird feeder, but also) sing.

The venerable carp wrangler jostled the p-kup to town, drug back 450 foot of cheap-butt garden hose, and began a task of supreme patience while each day pumping "life" to our "chilrun" (while praying the well don't run dry???).

Thanks Dad, the rest of the world thinks it's stoopid, but you always said, "Poor people have poor ways".

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