Friday, May 27, 2011

The Losers Lament

Twas the night before POWERBALL
and all along the flank
the Wright City bunch
was headed to the bank.

The quick picks were hung by the chimney with care
in hopes that Saint MoneyTrain
would soon be there...

Pancho and Faucho were snuggled in their bed
with visions of casinos dancing in their head,
while Smokey in her kerchief, and I in my sombrero
thought of celebrating with some Jose Cuervo.

When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter
we sprang from our beds.....
(OK, we groaned, rolled over, put our feet on the floor, and waited for the feeling to come back into our limbs)
to see what was the matter.

Its seems them damn balls used by the lotto
ain't heard the real news
cause they keep turning up blotto
fueling the POWERBALL blues

It's time like these we gotta reach out
and seek counsel divine and true
that's right sports fans, shout

WWGD is the way to go
as he'd say, "Keep throwing that dough"

One day you'll find that pot of gold
as you have a blast trying
and gracefully grow old.......

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