Friday, June 22, 2012


The ole ranch hand was raised up in a time before electronical contraptions.

The most Wright City could boast was vacumn tube black/white TVs that got one channel (if the weather wasn't too bad or the outside antenna hadn't blown down).

There just weren't no such thang as computers, the internet, space travel, cordless phones, or a vast myriad of other things that are taken for granted by the younger generation.

A bit late in life, your humble scribe took the plunge (OK, maybe stuck one reluctant toe) into the cyberspacial realm by using computers.

After a time, the ole fat boy stuck a cell phone on his belt. Now this was a big deal for a fellow that was in high school before he ever talked on a phone for the first time (a 10 cent machine in a red wooden booth on a street corner in Henderson)? The ranch hand's cell phones of choice since then have intentionally ONLY included the functions of "send calls" and "receive calls". Nothing fancy for oil field folks.

All of which brings us to today's "issue":

Yours truly decided to get a "smart" phone. Yeah, this puppy does internet, motion pictures, lattes, butt scratchin', (and according to the slick salesman, "access to 5,000 apps")????

Only problem is, ever time the wanna-be nerd is trying to navigate them "apps", the phone will ring......and ol' dumbutt can't figger out how to answer the call????

So...bottom line....done went from only "send/receive" calls on a dumb phone to "no clue" how to make/answer calls on this damnable "smart" phone.

Some folks just ain't built for "modern"?

1 comment:

glnroz said...

"hear here",,,I been told I aint no saint, and along with that "modern", I aint...that'sa poem....