Sunday, June 3, 2012

Piece de Resistance

Doin' Que is an absolutely soul satisfying vocation, avocation, hobby, (excuse to drink beer?), pastime, mouth-watering, mindless, relaxing, coooool thang ta do!!

Ya start before the rising sun...light the seasoned oak carefully laid in the BBQ fire box the night afore...and wait til there aint nuthin' but red coals.

Get the "pit" to the right temp...slap that lovingly seasoned protein of choice on the expanded metal grate...and start the mouth watering, uncontrollable salivation, ballet of smoke and smell that would tickle the tonsils of the most devout vegetarian.

(This might be the part where more beer might be appropriate???)

Bout ever thirty minutes ya "check" the pit temp and the fire box...need wood?...use your expertly experienced eye to see-lect just the right size/shape piece of forest fuel to keep the temp right....flavor the meat hell, open another col' beer?

Dependin' on the menu....have that steel pipe low/slow oven puppy on auto-pilot for 8-12 hours....pull it off to allow the piece de resistance to "rest"....

Slice/serve/enjoy...and the rest is culinary history.

Taste buds the world throughout...REJOICE...and chill with another beer......

1 comment:

glnroz said...

dang, I gotta go to McBiscuit and get some breakfast now...good weekend, I hope,,