Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Good Life and Other Magic

In Romans, Chapter 14, we are told, "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables"

Be it abruzo, andouille, banger, bowerwurst, boudin, or the ranch hand's venerable Tin Star venison jalapeno/cheese smoked goodness....sausage would likely meet the biblical definition of "One man's faith allows him to eat anything...."?

The word sausage is derived from the Latin word salsus which means something salted. As a historical reference, sausages are mentioned in The Odyssey which was written by Homer more than 2,700 years ago (

Regardless of history, nomenclature, preference, or prejudice, sausage would be one of the ole fat boy's weaknesses.

Tomorrow next, the bride and I will journey to the nearby burg of Thorndale to the meat market to drool over their casing enclosed ground meat goodies.

Right now we be thinking bout ten pounds of lean beef links and a similar pile of pork and jalapeno/cheese hot gut mouth candy.

Fire up the ranch smoker pit early with live oak seasoned for three years, lovingly lay them puppies on the grill with gentle tenderness......and wait for the magic to happen.

Now that is the GOOD LIFE!


glnroz said...

yum yum,,, i am jealous,,, that part of the country has great sausage..heading to Caldwell tomorrow,,they have so pretty good treats, down that a'way too..

Unknown said...

I love spicey sausage; love bbg'd sausage with onions and peppers in a bun!