Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Lakota Prophecy

A white buffalo is considered sacred in several Native American Indian religions.

A Lakota prophecy goes that the birth of a white buffalo would be a sign that the time had come for the world to be purified – harmony, balance, respect among people and respect for the earth. (

The ole ranch hand has ultimate respect for the Creator and the beliefs of the ancients....while simultaneously sharing the belief of my friend "T" that the Almighty has a sense of humor that includes "jus' playin'" with us at times?

This last sunrise dawned clear with the promise of the fall to come and its hint of autumnal treasures. Not to be false in seasonal intentions, the ironic nature of our humble ranch land once again "smirked".

Looking out the bunkhouse to the back pasture, the fat boy spied eight Rio Grande turkeys sauntering about with their heads down bobbing and tails in the air in a clucking foraging choreography.

Lo and behold, a lone ubiquitous avian soul sported traditional foliage from mid-section to crown....while brilliantly displaying bright white plummage on the entire lower half?

Surely our Savior had a "belly" laugh on that one while musing as to the potential interpretations of us mere mortals?

Ya gotta love it!


Unknown said...

One only has to visit the People of to know our creator has a sense of humor!

glnroz said...

a sense of humor yes,,, lol.. and "amen" to Ms. Eva's comment to..How ya been Old Ranch-hand?