Monday, March 18, 2013


King Sisyphus existed in Greek mythology.

According to legend.....this gent was quite the rascal and the "gods" therefore sentenced him to roll a huge boulder up a steep hill. Before he could reach the top, however, the massive stone would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again. The maddening nature of the punishment was to be an example for those lacking in tolerance and patience, no doubt?

This day, the ole fat boy and his child bride ventured to the "Greek" mythological land of "Joe's Crab Shack" and feasted therein on....well...crab.

Interesting adventure. First they bring ya "tools"....Oh hell yeah...what manly man would not want "tools"?

Then they brought a humongous "bib"??? OK...was there gonna be a hawg guttin'....or what????

Then the cretins of sick humor bring out a gigantic TUB of boiled/spiced crab and say with a lecherous smile, "All yall dig in"?

Well duh....They give ya got hammers, picks, pliers, and more "tools" than a New York butcher shop so "dig in" is kinda suggestive of "what"???

So...the ranch hand and the Gorgeous One...just started hammerin', sawin', mashin', GNAWING on that pile of crustacean like we was old pros.

Bottom line...we ended up with it in our hair, on our face, covering our our laps, on the chairs (and likely the ceiling).

Sisyphus...we feel your pain dude...just be glad they didn't give ya eternity to crack open crabs?????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll bet those crabs were almost as good as Maine lobsters!