Sunday, March 30, 2008


Last month I wrote a brilliant (well OK, a modestly interesting) (aw hell, boring) piece on the hundreds of stumps on my beloved TIN STAR RANCH and how I relate them to life and the trials and tribulations of living in this world. Sports fans, ya just ain't lived til you are perched on a Kubota tractor and hit one them puppies in waist high weeds unexpectedly.

Anywho, last weekend my bro-law used his construction equipment to dig out about 300 of those sneaky murderous devils and lay them on top of the ground (leaving a nice hole to fill in their place). Some were a mere 4 inches across, most were closer to two feet across (Big Dawgs another words).

Old, gray haired, fat frankie went to the rancho this morn and spent 7 hours "wrasslin" them dang stumps into the front bucket of the tractor and then taking them to the back forty to pile for burning.

The score:

A. I only got about 1/3 of the job done.

B. My butt is about to crater from the physical exertion.

C. It's gonna be real interesting to see if I can crawl on my hands and knees to get out of the bed in the morning?

Oh well, this too shall pass and the Lord never gives us a mountain that we can't climb (and I'm confident there is some esoteric lesson I learned as well that will be revealed to me at the proper time)(if I can just survive the soreness that will surely be mine in the morn?)

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