Friday, July 3, 2009

Black Cats

Cash in Wright City in the 60's was a rare commodity. If a soul came upon a dab, groceries was usually the main focus.

Come "fireworks" times (New Year or July 4th), the ranch hand and sisters naturally craved some "poppers" like all kids.

Daddy would usually come up with a few "sparklers" to wave around at night and a package or two of Black Cat firecrackers.

We treated those Black Cats like each one was a special gift to be savored. While others would light a whole package at once, we laid careful plans for each individual pyrotechnic.

One might be placed under the open end of a tin can to watch it launch off the ground. Another would be placed in a tree niche to see a bit of bark blown away. Yet another would be place in various glass containers to attempt ignorance induced blindness via flying glass shards.

The ultimate adrenalin rush was to hold the mini-grenade in one hand while igniting the fuse with the other. One would then heave the miniature cylinder of black powder and experience the thrill of escaping injury (followed by the relief of not having to confess to Daddy that we were doing something we were told not to do when we got "wounded").

On occasion the fuses would burn halfway down and stop. Being invulnerable, invincible, and immortal, us poor oil field trash "chilluns" would just pick them up and relight the fuse?

Sister "C" did that in the back yard one day and the digit buster promptly did its business between her fingers. Think bruise/burn/PAIN!!!! I was too dang country to realize it at the time, but ole Faucho went into shock for a spell with a "thousand yard" stare that was kinda frightening to us rural miscreants.

Bottom line: we survived our youth and all retained our fingers and toes.

Did I share this traditional holiday "fun" with my children.......HELL NO!

The danger to life and limb, the fire hazard, and the noise aggravation were more than I was ever willing to bear.

(But between you and me, the ole ranch hand wouldn't take anything for those childhood days in the backyard perfecting demolition skills with Black Cats)

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