Sunday, October 4, 2009


With sincere apologies to the ladies, there is something about the bond between a man and his tractor that few can fathom.

Ole Big Dawg (the ranch hand's Kubota) hit 300 hours recently and thus needed "servicing". Yeah, crawl around on the floor of the barn to change the engine oil, grease the fittings, and generally adjust the various "stuff". All hands on, all DIRTY-GREASY....and just plain soul satisfying (even for an old fat boy)?

The power and music that puppy makes when working is more than worth any "inconvenience" in its care and maintenance. It is a tried, true, and trusted friend. It is a faithful and always available tool.

The only missing element of this "dream come true" is if Daddy could be here to enjoy ole Big Dawg with me.

I miss Dad every day and can't help but think he grins every time I fire up my ole orange tractor with its diesel baritone voice.

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