Monday, October 26, 2009

Warrior Legacy

The Tin Star Ranch continued its legacy as a hallowed battle ground this wet October day.

Despite the pasture bog created by days of rain, two combatants squared off to commence the ancient ritual of antler jousts.

The heavier of the two enjoyed a weight advantage, eight sharp points of protein enriched horns, and confidence built on the experience of past endeavors.

The slender six point buck eagerly welcomed the coming challenge, secure in his youthful ignorance of the improbable "mountain" he was about to ascend. Simply stated, testosterone fueled his courage while genetics mapped his strategy, but his bravado was about to write a check his butt couldn't cash.

Head to head with their paws churning the soggy turf, the two forest warriors locked horns, pushed, shoved, and gouged repeatedly while searching for the advantage to vanquish the opponent.

Inevitably, the youngun' had enough spirit, but the old guy had the guile and physical skills to prevail.

Such is life.

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