Saturday, October 31, 2009

Youthful Passion

Recapturing youthful passions is a wishful quest at best.

There was a time that the ranch hand loved fishing more than any thing one could imagine. Carefree days spent at water's edge oblivious to the woes of the world.

Regretfully, the passage of time evolved priorities and interests to other less focused areas of trivial pursuit.

In the last year, the pond on the Tin Star was deepened and reshaped to await the Lord's blessing of bountiful rain. That blessing has occurred over the last month and the ole waterin' hole is energetically running over the spillway like a schoolchild fleeing to summer vacation.

Come the spring, life will be added to this adventure with the addition of catfish, bream, and whatever from the local fish farm.

Oh that the long lost passion of fishing known in the days as a yonker could be recaptured...surely that magic for the ole fat boy is but a hook, line, and grasshopper away?

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