Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bob War Juice

East Texas was geometrically criss-crossed with bob war (barbed wire).

The prickly stuff was just a natural decoration on the landscape and folks didn't pay it that much attention.

Some was stretched til ya could tune it like a fiddle (Grandaddy's) and some was less tight wound like their owners.

On rare occasion one would happen upon a fence with regular wire (no barbs) that was attached to metal posts with a plastic holder. Anybody of "normal" curiosity would approach and grab hold that strange contraption....ONE TIME!

Them puppies was juiced by a fence charger that would near "kill" ya with surprise when some unknown volume of electricity would trickle thru your veins.

At first it was a hazard to be avoided at all costs. Then, boys being boys, it was as challenge to "explore".

Exploration included touching the menace with various items to test it's conductive qualities. Dry sticks, green sticks, whatever, along the progression of boyhood frivolity.

Bottom line: Ain't never lived a boy what hasn't finally been overcome with the desire to pee on one them damn fences. Yep, bob war juice that ya won't NEVER forget (and will not ever do again!)

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