Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Memory Leviathans

There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. (Minnie Aumonier)

The ranch hand spent his pup years in deep East Texas where tall bull pine trees ruled the landscape.

These glorious green giants most often stood with stately grace serving as scribes creating a literature that was testament to serenity. Yet, on occasion, they glorified in raging storms with swirling arms of enthusiasm that fairly shouted the joy of life.

The shaggy bark conifers provided a cornucopia of sustenance to the resident varmits. They lavished a brown carpet of sweet smelling needles on the forest floor....and they shaded our sorry butts with shelter from the summer sun.

The many years your humble blogger spent absent from the long leaf and lob lolly evergreens of youthful endeavor in Wright City have been years of longing for the passion of youth, a time of care free days, and thoughts associated with family and friends.

This week has been spent in the city of Huntsville, Texas. Huntsville is blessed with a myriad of the 60-70 foot tall leviathans of past memories.

The moments spent this week simply gazing at their majesty and remember times past have been a therapy that is priceless.

Thank you, oh Lord, for your grace and wisdom in the creation of this magnificent blessing in our daily lives. May we be forever grateful for the genius of Your creations and the bounty they provide.

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