Thursday, September 15, 2011

Calf Rope

Root canal is a colloquial term for a dental operation, wherein the pulp is cleaned out, the space disinfected and then filled.

The ole ranch hand climbed into the saddle of one them puppies this morn and damn near yelled "calf rope"?

The foreman of the torture chamber (sublimely name "dentist") proceeded to grind the entire top off of one of the (preciously few real teeth). That saunter in the park was adroitly followed by crammin', jammin', stabbin', jabbin' a round steel file into each of three root chambers (all the while twirlin' and jerking up and down the "tool".

Let us all pray that:

1. The "root canal" serves its intended purpose.
2. The ranch hand's butt unpuckers sometime during the next decade?