Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manual Labor

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15)

The ranch hand reckons man was destined to "work" from the beginning of time?

Grandaddy Granvil worked every day of his life that he was able at various endeavors...Dad worked til he was just sitting on a stump to do what he could?

The ole fat boy been pounding the turf seven days a week since Moby Dick was a minnow and still can't seem to figger out the "relax" theme?

"Relaxin" must be an art that only special people can do??? (Ya listenin' Wayne?).

"Relax" people sleep til after the sun is up...s-l-o-w-l-y (do whatever), and the day evolves in a smooth mode of pleasure with no special exertion of physical (sweating/grunting/effort)...

No clue here as have not figgered that equation out yet?

Dang Dad...how come folks like us have to bust butt every day the sun shines doing "chores" instead of just "veggin"??

1 comment:

glnroz said...

aint it the damn truth...Had a conversation with a neighbor at the gas station yesterday...I am old enough to retire(he has), but I can't think in those terms...no offense,,lol..just my situation, I suppose..