Monday, September 26, 2011

Long Beards

"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm" (Prov 13:20)

The ranch hand has been blessed for the last two days with six tom turkeys visiting the back pasture deer feeder.

It is a measure of cautious patience to watch them saunter from the adjacent brush. Their every move is enhanced to maximize grazing opportunities while keeping the ever watchful eye/ear for predators.

These magnificent gobblers are obviously in their prime. They are tall, heavy, and long of beard. These facts give witness to the reality that they have survived the onslaught of disease, coyotes, hawks, starvation, and other manner of eradication to live to magnificent maturity.

While it is unique and soul satisfying to see this spectacle of nature, it is at the same time a thought provoking perspective on the secret of a long life.

Appropriate caution in all things, vigilant alertness to opportunity, and never forgetting that that the world may kick your butt when you least expect it.

A lesson from the wise ones.

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