Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Artist

Big "R" is my bro-law.

He is one of my best friends ever, has a charitable heart the size of TEXAS, fathered our absolutely awesome nephew, and he is one of the most talented people I have ever known.

This renaissance man I have the privilege of calling my friend is a mechanic, welder, fabricator, rancher, truck driver, plumber, electrician, fence builder, calf-puller, (8 millimeter film star????), raconteur, expert operator of all things motorized, and all around great guy.

Today I learned that he is a world class ARTIST with a dozer blade. At my pleading, Big "R" was kind enough to "clean" and "shape" our modest pond on the Tin Star Ranch.

Lord have mercy on my soul! I drove by and looked at that puppy today and my jaw dropped to my knees. Our humble stock tank is now a full 1/2 acre, deep as the river Jordan, and shaped like an exquisite piece of Hopi pottery. It is a piece of art, sculpted by the careful hand of an artist. I'm talkin' prettier than a speckled pup under a wagon with his tongue hangin' out!

I'm not sure why an old fat man like me is so dadgum fortunate to have the pleasure of the friendship and companion of Big "R", but I feel truly blessed.

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