Friday, October 17, 2008


A minor detail of moving to the Tin Star involves divesting our present abode.

We been bustin' you know what for the last month to "fix it up" and to unclutter it.

"Fix it up" has included painting, flower bed work, minor repairs, purchases (new oven), and endless hours of backbreaking, sweaty stuff that we should have been doing anyway.

"Unclutter" has been to haul a load of treasures (trash?) to the barn each time we go and to fill the garbage each week. For clothes, if we ain't wore it in a year, it goes to Goodwill. For all else, if we forgot we owned it, can't remember the last time we used it, or just hesitate on keeping it, it gets chunked.

We have only lived in this house for 13 years, but we seem to have a century of crap piled up?

This weekend is supposed to be the most awesome weather of the year for Austin. Yep, gonna spend the whole sucka pounding on the house with the goal of putting a "FOR SALE" sign out front the first week of November.

That's right sports fans, if my plan works out, we will be homeless from the time the Austin house sells until we move into the new house. Anybody got any spare cardboard so we can make some signs and stand at a street intersection?

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