Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two Dollar Watches

Me and the beautiful bride have mostly kept our humble abode fairly respectable.

We swab the deck, dump the trash, and whack the weeds ever chance we get (and have for more than two lustrums). I reckon we thought we were maintaining the nest in a most respectable manner.

A while back we decided it was time to place our prized Austin real estate on the market and withdraw our equity for application to the Tin Star Ranch mortgage. No problem. Call a real estate agent, slap that metal "FOR SALE" sign in the yard, and wait for the rubes to lather their cash on ya.

One problem. Ya gotta spick and span that sucka like it has never seen before. I'm talking on your knees to wash the baseboards, up a ladder to dust the light fixtures, and behind the potty to make all shine?

Worse problem. You get it that way and ya don't want to do it but once.

You want to cook a meal; NOPE! Makes a mess and you don't even want to think bout the clean up. Chunk your clothes on the floor and climb in the bed at night; NOPE! Ya might fergit in the morn and a "buyer" will show up while you are gone and, yup, blow the sale? Don't leave the mornin' paper on the dining table, don't let your shoes dawdle by the front door, and for gosh sakes, don't leave one dang dish in the kitchen sink. (did I mention scrub that potty ever time you walk by?)

Just thinkin' bout it gets me wound up tighter than a two dollar watch? I'm sayin' this show quality house business is just thick in the middle and poor on both ends??

All ya'll pray for a quick sell because I feel like an unwelcome guest in my own house with a stranger bout to walk in at any minute and pass critical judgement on our personal investment of time and effort.

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