Saturday, August 15, 2009

Arcadian Accolades

The jacket of a Louisiana cookbook the ole ranch hand recently purchased describes Cajun country as "an untamed region teeming with snakes, alligators, and snapping turtles, with sausage and cracklins sold at every gas station." The author of Real Cajun (Donald Link, 2009) describes his home as a tough land that funnels its spirit into the local cuisine.

Tomorrow, your humble scribe will embark upon a culinary journey thru this tome beginning with the "shrimp, corn, and tomato stew" recipe. Over an unknown period of time, the ole fat boy has intentions of sashaying a bit with all within the venerable pages ranging from gumbo to etouffees to bourbon-soaked bread puddin'.

Yeah, there might be blog or two in this given the historical inspiration of swamps, smokehouses, festivals and funerals proliferated in Arcadia USA.

(Did I mention this may not be an economical venture?)

Leafed thru my adventure map this morn and made a list of coonass spices brother Link named therein. Oozled to the grocery store and camped out on the "spice" aisle whilst gitten my trifocals aimed for bay leaves, basil, cayenne, oregano, and so forth.

$109 later, my befuddled butt walked out of that store hopin' my dear departed Mom never learned I blew that much in HEB without actually buying any groceries???

Stay tuned sports fans because even the ranch hand don't know how this one is going to turn out?

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