Saturday, August 29, 2009

White Tails

The ranch hand don't enjoy, look forward to, or in any way take pleasure in "killing" deer. Never have, never will.

The ranch hand absolutely "dotes" on all the other stuff. Looking for tracks, finding their droppings, spying the bark rubbed off a tree by antlers, or better yet....seeing a deer in the wild is special.

It's about $75 per month for dried corn to feed the Tin Star venison herd, but the "special" moments are priceless.

Guns and ammo are a part of it in that...well hell....I like touching them, shooting them, owning them??? Can't explain, and don't really care why....just a "man" thing I guess???

The best part is the preparation for the hunt. The old fat boy spent the balance of this day fabricating and welding together a steel stand to put a hunting blind atop down at the pond. Construction of the hunting blind will be another pleasurable day.

Thank you, my Lord and Savior, for another great day on the Tin Star and for the pleasures of Texas hill country white tail deer.

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