Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cracker Box

Around 1984, the ole ranch hand went to Montgomery Ward and purchase a "cracker box" welding machine. Dreaming of magnificent projects (bar b que smokers, firewood racks, etc.), the neophyte hauled his new treasure to Wright City for bragging rights with Dad.

Dad being Dad, he immediately cabbaged onto that varmit, hard wired it in his back yard, and commenced to do his "stuff" with it. Not being one to detract from Dad's ambiance, the device (for all relevant purposes) became his. Yours truly continued over the years to cogitate welding scenarios unfulfilled.

Near bout four years ago your slow witted scribe found a "bargain" on Craig's List for a excellente 220 rod burner. Installed that puppy in the Tin Star barn and the rest is history.

Don't know why (other than genetic propensities inherited from Dad), but the ranch hand relaxes and take superb pleasure in the "art" (in my case "daubing") of welding steel to steel. There is pleasure in the sizzle of the welding rod arcing to the work piece. There is solace in the finished product. But most of all, there is a connection to a simpler life where a man takes raw materials and crafts something useful with his hands.

The hours pass without notice in this simple chore and for that I am grateful.

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