Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I just read in a state retirees' publication that the Texas Public Employees Association is looking for nominations for the 2008 "Unsung Hero". I am thinking about nominating yours truly.

When I was a Highway Patrolman, I knew that Sergeants could fire you with no justification and that Captains were at the right hand of God. (I didn't know the role of Lieutenants?) One day I was promoted to Lieutenant and likely perceived that some degree of recognition would occur.

I ended up in the state headquarters office working for Gladys (the Highway Patrol Chief's secretary). Gladys had a phrase that I hear in my sleep at times, "That's Lt. work" (some menial distasteful task that was beneath the dignity of the janitors?) So much for fame and glory in the lieutenant ranks?

I arrived at HQ July 1982. Come December, I was given the task of coordinating the DPS HQ Christmas Program (a joy, no doubt)? You would need to know that the Colonel at the time would announce the day before that all employees were dismissed at noon on the day before the Xmas break. It is also pertinent that the DPS Xmas show was at 1PM (guess how many showed up?).

The "old pros" told me that attendance was dismal, in part due to the "DPS Choir" singing endless songs at the program????? Being proactive (in my case often meaning "dumass") Iasked the 30 year choir director (a low paid clerk named Clara) to limit the number of songs sung in order to increase attendance. Bottom line, I unwittingly insulted Clara (the Xmas program was her one time per year to be a "honcho" at DPS) and she mounted a campaign for no one to attend the program due the "baby" Lt. obviously not wanting any Christmas spirit at DPS.

On the day of the program, there were as many chairs in the HQ cafeteria as it would hold. Those chairs were filled by the headquarters Highway Patrol command staff (laughing their butts off), the Colonel/Asst. Colonel, me and the now deceased public information officer, David Wells (AND NO ONE ELSE). There were likely 300 vacant chairs (with the new Lt. feeling like a total "dork".) The only "program" presented was a brief oration of the Christmas story. David Wells (the emcee) opened the program by acknowledging those present and thanking the coordinator (me).

To this day, I remember (in my shame and embarassment) David introducing me (with a tongue in cheek reference to ending the 30 year choir tradition) as the "UNSUNG HERO". I don't deserve the 2008 TPEA reward, but obviouslythey should name the award after me????????

(Always remember that humility can be a virtue, no matter how painful the experience may be)

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