Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I figgered out when I was in the 6th or 7th grade that I was one of the few who had no clue what was being written in chalk by the teacher on the "blackboard" in school.

I guess I just assumed that no one else could read that stuff either.

Somehow or the other my folks scraped up enough cash to get me a set of "spectacles" so I could see. My feeble brain thinks that they were $12 (and they were the epitomy of fashion: heavy black plastic frames and coke bottle lens?)

That was when I first learned to appreciate the blessing of sight.

For the first time I could see individual leaves on trees instead of just a green blur. I saw that birds hopping on the ground actually had little skinny legs/knees/whatever. I noticed small pebbles on parking lots, (freckles on girls), and all kind of "stuff" that had not existed before.

Today I got my latest set of "specs" from Lenscrafters ($1021 for two pair - regular and tinted).

Didn't especially want the dark hollywoods, but the ole eye doc said in 4-5 years I would be needin' cataract surgery and that a set of sun-goggles would slow the process if worn faithfully. Hell, I'll sleep in them puppies if it will delay another surgery of any kind?

Anywho, I slipped on them new store bought glasses and it was kinda like that first set long ago. I guess I had gone too long in between "perscripshuns" cuz all the sudden I could "SEE" again. Written words weren't fuzzy, I could see people's eye balls in detail, and (damn, I've hatched a crop of wrinkles on my ugly face since the last time I had a close look!?)

Thank you my Lord and Savior for the blessing of sight (and the wisdom to not take it for granted)

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