Thursday, April 24, 2008


My feeble mind has been "wanderin" a bit (it does that with increasing frequency these days).

During theses meanderings I decided I am counted among a declining population who know a lot of things that don't really matter.

I know why inputting numbers on a phone is referred to as "dialing".

I know what the "foot feed" on a vehicle refers to. I also can identify vehicle "blinkers", "hood ornaments", "overdrive", "running boards", "recaps", "baby moons", "flippers", "steering knobs", "floor shifts", "vent windows", and "naugahyde" (but I never managed to slay a "nauga" as they was just too damn elusive?)(and I always wanted some "naugahyde""roll and pleat"). I have experience with tire "boots", "plugs", and "inner tubes". I have used "drip" gasoline and obtained oil for my motors from a 55 gallon drum with a "one armed" pump.

I have carried a "wheel gun", shot "wadcutters", enjoyed free "hardball" ammunition, and been on the business end of a "twice barrel twelve hole" (which weren't loaded with sofa pillers).

I've enjoyed a "cup of mud", called it "joe", and slurped it from a saucer.

I've sucked down "sodie pop", eaten "light" bread, munched on "goober peas", lip smacked over "poke salad", and breathed the heavenly of aroma of Grandmother baking "hot water corn pone".

I've toted a "slide rule", made a "granny shot", "dusted" erasers, and eaten enough "salt" pills to pollute an ocean.

Anyway, I amaze myself by how much I know, that ain't worth two cents, but is as much a part of me as my eyes ("peepers") or mouth ("pie hole").

Lets see, as an arbitrary number, lets say that if you recognize five or more of these valuable "factoids", you might not be as young, or as urban as you think (or worse yet, you could be as old/country as the ole Tin Star Ranch Hand????????????)

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