Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Lisa blogged yesterday concerning the shock of paying $3.26 per gallon for gasoline. She then reminisced longlingly for the "good ole days" when gas was only $ .78 per gallon and putting $5 bucks worth in her truck would make it good to go!

At the risk of showing my age, I'll add some perspective to the concept of generation based knowledge of inflation.

Ole frankie remembers when Kilgore would have "gas wars" at the (we called them "filling stations" or "service stations")("Service" as in they would always clean your windshield, vacumn or "blow out" the floorboards of your car, check the engine fluid levels and the pressure in your tires AND they pumped the gas for you!). It was common to pay 15 to 16 CENTS per gallon. Gasoline was never over maybe 24 cents per gallon?

The only thing for a teen kid to do in Wright City was to go to the "drive in picture show" in Turnertown (50 cents per person entry fee)(and this included a cartoon)! A coke was about 15 cents and some fresh cut/fresh cooked french fries was 25 cents.

Bottom line: a "date" with a girl would include maybe four gallons of gas, two tickets to the "drive in", a couple of cokes and one order of fries for a grand total of LESS than $3 bucks!!!!!

Now imagine how the 50's generation views gasoline that cost MORE than $3 per gallon?

Lisa, your daddy longs for the "good ole days" too!

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