Friday, September 26, 2008

Let Us Pray

OK loyal sports fans,

I know you have been as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs about the next stage of the infamous ranch house build.

Truth is, we been near bout drownin' in details while trying to construct the specifications that we will ink our signatures on. This part is mostly like drinkin' from a fire hydrant and ugly as a mole on a pig's butt. Reckon we gotta hang in whether it comes in geysers or pounds sand because it ain't gonna happen otherwise?

Monday afternoon we are scheduled to take a big gulp (pray), fortify with adult beverage (pray), and sign on the dotted line with a builder for an unspeakable sum (I glad Daddy ain't around to know this part as he would have the big one for sure). Then we mosey to the mortgage lender to get a "permanent financing commitment letter" (fancy butt word for saying that they are dum enuff to take a 30 year mortgage on an old fat man after the construction financing). We dosie doh, turn around twice, and amble to the bank to (fill out another frickin' mountain of paper work, sign our lives away) do the construction loan stuff and then:


The ole ranch hand is guess-timating that we will start construction by November 1st. The builder is promising move-in by May 1st.

Let us pray.

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