Monday, September 1, 2008


I spent Sunday in Andice moving my mom-laws "stuff" from my barn to her newly constructed house. Tough, humid, hot day, but got a lot done for an old fat man?

Due to extreme fatigue, we spent the night with the bride's baby sister on their 400 acre ranch casa atop a tall hillside overlooking the San Gabriel River valley.

This morning I eased from the sack to grab a cup of coffee and sit on their back porch to watch the golden eastern sun rise from its overnight slumber and assume prominence in the morning sky.

This magnificent spectacle was accompanied by the cooing of doves, the occasional caw of a blue jay, and the frenzied buzz of humming birds seeking their morning nectar.

In rare moments, the Lord's infinite blessing allows us to be as one with nature, slow our heartbeat, and truly feel the glory of his creations. This morning was such an experience.

My prayer is to build our Tin Star Ranch abode, live (healthy) for as long as is God's will, and totally absorb the wonder from each precious moment.

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