Sunday, April 12, 2009

All God's Creatures

It's dawn on the Tin Star and a brief fury of blessed rainfall has just passed.

The calm following the storm has left all refreshed and greening while the morning birds sing their joyful praise of another day.

As I sit in the bunkhouse office and contemplate the solemnity and miracle of Easter celebration, I just glanced out the windows to the west. To my astonishment I am looking at two wild turkeys foraging about 20 feet from my perch. This momentous event is in concert with five deer that are currently in the backyard browsing for sustenance.

The normally wary creatures are completely at ease in my proximity. They seem to impart that He has risen and all God's creatures are as one on this blessed day.

Truly I am thankful for this rare and special moment in my life.

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