Friday, April 17, 2009


In the Parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed. He also tells his disciples to have faith like the tiny seed. Although starting as a small insignificant dot, the mustard plant grows to a large size with a persistence of growth powerful enough to crack concrete.

Turns out the ranch hand's "mustard" is apparently bermuda grass seed.

The new bunkhouse is surrounded by a sea of bare topsoil. The rain of late turns it into a sea of mud while rearranging it in drifted banks downhill from the house. This led me to the agriculturally brilliant idea of acquiring bermuda grass seed as ground cover to hold the soil until the native grasses take over.

This decision led to the following conclusions:

1. If a mustard seed is smaller than bermuda seed, I would not be able to see it without a microscope?

2. Bermuda grass seed is precious at the rate of $5 per pound.

3. Sow it using a broadcast spreader in a high wind and $100 of that stuff goes "somewhere???", but not in the yard (dammit!).

4. Buy more (almost) invisible seed, wait for a calm day and "sow" again while praying for rain.

5. Get prayers answered and watch micro-midget seeds wash away with the remaining topsoil.

6. Sharpen the blades on the tractor shredder because somewhere at the bottom of the slope there is going to be one hell of a grass patch (just not in the bunkhouse yard?)

7. Pour concrete all over the yard and paint it green.

8. Pray that a mustard seed don't get a toehold in my new high dollar concrete?

Lord, I have the faith, just help me with the implementation issues and the weeds will take care of the rest!

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