Friday, June 26, 2009

Heaven On Earth

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's heaven on earth.
(Mark Twain)

The ole ranch hand toiled for 33 years in the salt mines of state government and was blessed with a tolerable retirement rate that allowed sufficient groceries and entertainment. Given an opportunity to "work" a bit more, he has spent the last three years with the true blessing provided by "work like you don't need the money"....a situation that allows for true expression of opinion and will without concern for the future. Ya don't need the money so ya just do the right thing for the right reason at the right time, every time, and the hell with everything else!

Love like ya never been hurt. Tough one? Helps to find the perfect soul mate that personifies all that is good in the world. Lucky me as I'm there.

Dance like nobody is watching. This fat boy didn't dance a lick til 40 years of age. Just plain bashful, self-conscious, and left footed. At 40, I decided that I would learn the damn stuff and then would NOT do it out of choice rather than intimidation. Damn.....I learned I like/enjoy it, and in my humble opinion, ain't half bad at the process? Go figger?????

Live like it is heaven on earth. Still working on that one, but the Tin Star is darn close.

Thanks be to my Lord and Savior for all that is good in my life.....salvation, friends, family, opportunity, and cold beer!

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