Sunday, July 20, 2008


I've been living in "town" for 38 years.

For the most part of that time I have tended a lawn. I enjoy the mowing and edging, but I universally HATE pulling hoses around to water grass.

We are hip deep in another Texas summer that is so dry the fish have ticks and the trees have been bribing dogs. Another words, for the last 45 days I have drug all the hide off my water hoses trying to keep the St. Augustine from dying at the roots.

Let the following be publicly known:

When we move into our house on the ranch I shall never again water grass. The native ground cover on my beloved Tin Star will shrivel or thrive according to God's rain plan, not my hose draggin'.

Whatever weed crop survives will make me as proud as a hound dog pup with his first flea.

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