Sunday, July 13, 2008


God's love provides children. You raise them. You teach them. You cry for them and with them. Mostly, you love them.

At some point, your children produce children (God's love again!).

Only this time God's love is intensely magnified as GRANDCHILDREN!

As with your own kids, you pray that the grandkids are healthy and mature wisely. You cry for them and with them. Mostly, you love them.

At the same time, you realize that with grandkids there is a level of wonder and appreciation that perhaps you didn't have with your own kids. Maybe it is because you are more mature, more stable, or now take more time to better watch and listen.

Regardless, by the time grandkids come around you know that life does not last forever. In that regard, you also have a better appreciation for the miracle of life.

I thank God for his love, the miracle of life, and for the eternal blessing of my children and grandchildren who I utterly adore!

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